You might want to take a closer look.

The Design
Due to the simple design of the board, the wood grain is very well expressed. Wood and bamboo as natural materials stand for climate protection as well as for a long-lasting quality product.

The Board
The board is made from a wood-bamboo mix. The use of bamboo as a fast-growing grass not only serves to protect the climate, but also means that the scooter is very light overall - ideally adapted to the body weight and strength of children. It's also extra wide, so your child can put both feet next to each other on the board and casually cruise around.

The Grips
The extra soft, round grips are optimally adapted to small children's hands. The curvature is used for better grip and thus greater control of the handlebars. The rim at the end of the handle protects against accidental slipping.

The Wheels
Thanks to the extra large wheels, the scooter is easier to steer and is therefore also very suitable for beginners who have little or no experience driving a scooter.